Ultra-processed = Unhealthy food

And even early death !

Read: ~ 2.5 min  (Words: ~  380)

The amount of ultra-processed foods – such as chicken nuggets, ice cream and breakfast cereals – being eaten has soared. There has been mounting evidence that such foods lead to overeating and problems thereof. Recent studies indicate that it leads to poor health and even early death.

The term ultra-processed comes from a way of classifying food by how much industrial processing it has been through. The lowest category is “unprocessed or minimally processed foods”, which include fruit, vegetables, milk, meat, legumes such as lentils, seeds, grains such as rice, eggs

“Processed foods” have been altered to make them last longer or taste better – generally using salt, oil, sugar or fermentation. This category includes cheese, bacon, home-made bread, tinned fruit and vegetables, smoked fish, beer

Then come “ultra-processed foods”, which have been through more substantial industrial processing and often have long ingredient lists on the packet, including added preservatives, sweeteners or color enhancers.

Examples include processed meat such as sausages and hamburgers, breakfast cereals or cereal bars, instant soups, sugary fizzy drinks, chicken nuggets, cake, chocolate, ice cream, mass-produced bread, many “ready to heat” meals such as pies, pizza and meal-replacement shakes.

It is generally said that if a product contains more than five ingredients, it is probably ultra-processed. Increasing numbers of independent studies observe associations between ultra-processed foods and adverse health effects.

Ultra-processed foods also  ‘make you eat more’. These foods are energy dense but lacking in nutrients and fiber. Moreover, these foods push healthier foods such as fruit and vegetables out of diets. People eat more because the foods are easy to eat. 

Ultra-processed foods may be affecting hunger hormones in the body, leading people to keep eating. 

Original BBC article: Click here

HO Note:

As per NatureCure principles, moderate to high processing of natural food or ingredients will change its properties. Processed food is best consumed afresh or at earliest. Most foods made in plants and intended for long shelf life compromise on nutrition and can become unhealthy. Mindfully increasing proportion of fresh and unprocessed food in our daily intakes will limit consumption of ultra-processed foods. We recommend deliberate efforts to increase minimally or unprocessed foods, such as fruit, vegetables, beans, nuts, lentils and whole-grains in our diet.

Ready to Heat


Author: Health Opinia

Health Opinia (HO) is a series of mini-blogs by someone who is a nature-cure enthusiast, a healthcare inquisitive and an inexperienced blogger.

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